Oct. 22, 2002, 10:32 p.m.,

Dream Reviews

Just 5 more minutes...

Content [23/30]

I really had a hard time getting into your diary. Not that it is a bad diary, let me make that clear. I clicked on everything that there was to click on. I loved your "currently" section. But you don't open up. You have a huge wall up. You only let the world in a little. Prime example, "Life is ummmm... well let's just say interesting. I just sent a very bitter and angry email to someone. " I bet that was a great start to a very interesting story! Ok, so who did you send the email to? Your mom? Sis? Best friend? Boyfriend? Person you loathe? And why? What did they do to deserve the nasty email? It drove me nuts that you didn't elaborate (I wish I could say more here, but...) at all until I got to this entry, 100 interesting things about me. (By the way, number 92 and 93 go for me too.) Almost all of your entries after that one have been much more open and detailed. Keep it up. I like where it is going.

Design [29/30]

Loving the layout. I really, really love this layout. It's neat and tidy-very organized. I like that. The kitties grow on you. (I let my son play with Neko, thanks) There's a cute little kitty cat picture over the actual entry and under the entry are the "last five" links. To the right of all of that is a cool little tidbits section and under that are the text link thingys. I think this layout really matches you. Big ups to you!

Contact Info [3/5]

Guestbook and AIM~no email?

Rules [5/5]


Updates [10/10]

Skips a day here or there but more than makes up for it with lots and lots of multiple entries.

Errors [4/5]

I found a couple of gramatical and spelling errors-probably just typos.

Navigation [10/10]

This diary is so easy to get around in. I couldn't find anything that didn't work. I tried to find something wrong but, alas, I couldn't. You win.

Extras [5/5]

Bio, cast, pics (her boyfriend is cute) , quizzes, rings, clix's, guestmap (i like those things...they're cool), blogchalk, imood, o and she gives plugs too.


Favorite Entry: I'm back (because i was in Dallas last weekend too-and you're right about the damn rain, it WAS crazy!)

Reviewed by hollyberries


I'm listening to:
I'm reading this:
I'm burning this:

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Extra stuff that might be interesting

Jul. 12, 2005 - The word of the day is weird.

Jul. 08, 2005 - decisions....

Jul. 07, 2005 - the point of diary is...

May. 29, 2005 - spinning

Jan. 05, 2005 - new year

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